Ah, I could speak to the other side of the coin. As a woman, I was not love bombed as my husband was, or maybe I was just more pragmatic and saw through the, um bullcrap. I studied with 3 different women and could not see the value in joining the fairy tales. My husband on the other hand was raised by wolves , as I like to say to him. He had no family structure of what was right and wrong and was easily swayed into the fold. BUT, he was never baptized. He has studied with 4 different men over the last 25 years and wanted to take the plunge 2 years ago. I, the evil woman, put my foot down and said it was me or them. I was lucky that he picked me but he still has the jw mindset. I have pointed out to him the many flaws in their thinking and I hope he won't want to go back. I have made him live life in the last two years, picnics, wine tasting, going to the lake, visiting with friends outside the flock, reacquainting with friends when he was younger, being with family members that aren't in the "truth" etc. and he has begun to live again.
I did get off topic, but I have to say that I asked him pointed questions about doctrine that he could not answer or sometimes thought was odd. I would ask him to ask his instructor and he would not do this because he viewed it as wrong. This was a good statement by him because it was something I could respond to...... How do you learn without questioning? This opened his eyes a little. Sorry to butt in, but I had to say this.